The end! |
The beginning! |
Well said, U2, but it was actually a series of beautiful days, to be honest. All the pictures in this entry are from this past school year.
Drag Ball. Hawt mess. |
LLC Laser Tag! |
My favorite person at CC. Hands down. |
What a great year.
I don't really feel like talking about specific things that happened in the last couple days. I think my reflections are more important.
Heaven and Hell Party |
I've always sort of enjoyed goodbyes. I tend to veer on the more emotional side of things, so when it comes time to slow down, look back, and reflect, I really get in touch with myself and my surroundings. Plus, I usually come to appreciate everything, especially the little day-to-day moments that we so often take for granted and see as commonplace and ordinary.
The Birthday Party |
Get ittt |
Admittedly, though, these last few days haven't exactly been "ordinary." Thanks to the glories of Facebook, this blog, my own loud voice and big presence, and word-of-mouth, it seems like everyone knows that I'm leaving and won't be back next semester, even those I'm not particularly close with. Naturally, people are saying their own versions of goodbyes, as well as offering some great advice and wisdom. All my friends that have already studied abroad have said that starting this blog was an excellent choice. However, it will only serve its purpose if I write for
myself. After all, I am the one going abroad. I am the one going to London. I am the one circumnavigating the globe on Semester at Sea. I am the one who is going to experience incredible moments I never thought possible.
Stage Managers! |
And, most importantly, I am the one who is going to feel.
Pretty cool, yeah?
Alex and Michaela! |
Not only am I lucky to be able to have this adventure (or, rather, THESE adventures), but I'm also lucky to have so much trouble leaving this all behind in order to blaze another trail which, for all intensive purposes, is WAY off the beaten path. Though it may not sound like a lucky thing, having a difficult time leaving, I think it is a beautiful testament to the richness of my life and the incredible things I have to look forward to upon my return. I've done some thinking about it, and I've realized that Semester at Sea is placed smack in the middle of my time at CC. I started a semester late and will be graduating in May 2013. That means I had three semesters, Semester at Sea, and then three more semesters. I didn't plan it this way conciously, but I'm glad that this is how it all worked out. Post-SAS Sam is going to look at Pre-SAS Sam and scoff. Ok, maybe not scoff, but I'll definitely look back and be glad I had this time away to travel.
Manitou Springs! |
And breathe. Just to breathe and drink it all in.
Poets at the zoo! |
Sorry to be overly sentimental and maudlin (SAT WORD!!!), but thank you to anyone and everyone who has impacted me over the course of my last three semesters here. You've made such a difference. When I am old and crotchety and senile, I doubt I'll remember the classes I took or the plays I worked on. I will remember the people. I will remember the moments I had while walking down Nevada Ave towards the 7/11 at 3 in the morning after having
something to drink. And if anything else, I will remember my friends.
The best ex-roommate ever |
I probably won't have the time to write another entry until I'm actually in London, so consider this my fond "see ya later" to the world of Colorado College. It's been a trip, man.
Sisters 3 |
It was a beautiful day, don't let it get away.
Yeah, I took a trapeze class. |
My hall! |
The best spring break crew ever
Thanks, y'all.
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